Daman S. Walia, PhD, President & CEO.
Under his leadership, since 1988 Arctech has developed and commercialized innovative hazardous and waste treatment and recycling technologies and clean energy products for domestic and international markets focused on coal-derived humic substance products. Dr. Walia was Manager and Director of the Environmental Science & Technology Department at Atlantic Research Corp. where he was responsible for coordinating and overseeing research projects varying in size, scope and technical orientation. His field of concentration included fossil fuel energy with a focus on clean coal and coal conversion processes, and research in the environmental aspects of fossil fuel energy systems. Prior to joining Atlantic Research, he was Technical Director at United Coal Company. Between 1978 and 1981, he was a Fossil Energy Specialist with Oak Ridge Associated Universities.
Dr. Walia earned a PhD, Mineral Sciences, Miami University (Ohio), an MS in Mineral Sciences from Miami University, an MS in Geology from Punjab University, and a BS in Geology and Chemistry from Punjab University. His professional affiliations include the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Defense Preparedness Association, Professional Environmental Marketing Association and the Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute.
Robert E. Coakley, Board of Advisors.
With more than 30 years of governmental affairs experience, he is a Principal with Coakley & Associates, a professional services, consulting, and lobbying firm that has enabled corporations, associations and non-profits to promote their interests through political, legislative and regulatory processes in Washington. Mr. Coakley has served on the staff of the House of Representatives Budget Committee and the Small Business Committee, the Senate’s Governmental Affairs Committee and the Subcommittee on Federal Spending Practices, Budget and Accounting of the Governmental Affairs Committee. He served as Executive Director of the Council on Regulatory and Information Management.
Mr. Coakley earned a BA from the University of Virginia and did graduate work towards a Masters in Public Administration at the University of Virginia.
Richard A. Wolfe, PhD, Board of Advisors.
He currently serves as President of Wolfe Engineering & Consultants, Inc. which provides technical and administrative support in the area of clean coal technology, coal gasification, coal to liquids technology, oil refining, biomass conversion, coal bed methane production, biotechnology, oil shale and tar sands.
Mr. Wolfe earned a PhD and a MS in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Cincinnati and a BS in Chemical Engineering from Virginia Tech. He has done post graduate studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received a DSc (Honorary) from Emory and Henry College. He has published more than 100 scientific articles on clean technologies. He has been appointed by five different governors to the Virginia Coal and Energy Commission and has served for the past 29 years as a Board Member to Virginia Tech’s Center for Coal and Energy Research. He served for 20 years as a Director of the Virginia Coal and Energy Council.
Richard P. Sommerfeld, Jr., Board of Advisors.
With 30 years of international executive experience, he was formerly CFO of Sekurus, Inc., a specialized asset protection, tracking and management company focused on the automotive and finance markets. He also served as SVP and CFO of Airbee Wireless, Inc., a company that develops ZigBee software for mesh networks to track and monitor assets. Prior to returning to the US after 20 years abroad, he was CEO of Dransfield Food & Beverage Holdings in Hong Kong where he managed a $430 million division of a publicly listed company involved in manufacturing from Asia to Europe and functioned as the shadow CFO of the parent company during its corporate and financial restructuring. He was an SVP with private equity firm The Meridian Partnership (London), VP-Finance and Investments for Resort Properties Group (London), CFO of Levant Group (Paris), and held senior positions in international investment banking for Continental Bank (Chicago and Africa) and Citicorp (Middle East and Europe).
Mr. Sommerfeld earned a Masters of Public and International Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh and a BA in International Studies from Virginia Tech. He serves on the Board of Visitors for the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.